The Health and Wellness Benefits of Tinctures: Your Canna-Kit Solution

The Health and Wellness Benefits of Tinctures poster.

Cannabis tinctures have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more people discover their impressive health and wellness benefits.

These powerful plant extracts are known for their ability to relieve a wide range of symptoms and conditions, from chronic pain and inflammation to anxiety and depression.

At Canna-Curious Coaching, I am building a series of canna-DIY classes called Homemade Health that are dedicated to providing simple (and fun!) DIY solutions for improving your health using natural ingredients like hemp and cannabis.

The first class, Homemade Health Tinctures, teaches students how to make their own “canna-kit” with tinctures that are made with high-quality CBD and other cannabinoids like CBDa, CBG, CBN, and THC that work together to provide optimum relief and benefits.

My canna-kit tinctures are also very easy to make at home, so you don’t have to worry about complicated or time-consuming infusion methods.

Michelle Crawford holding a dropper of tincture.

The Many Benefits of Cannabis Tinctures for Health and Wellness

Let’s go to school: Cannabis tinctures are a powerful natural remedy that can help treat a wide range of health conditions and ailments. They contain compounds like CBD, CBG, and THC that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to promote healing and wellbeing.

Some of the key benefits of cannabis tinctures for personal health and wellness include:

  1. ⚡️ Relief from chronic pain and inflammation: Cannabis tinctures can be incredibly effective for those suffering from chronic pain or conditions related to muscle or joint pain like fibromyalgia, migraines, or arthritis.

  2. 🧠 Improved mental health: Studies have shown that the compounds in cannabis can help to improve mood and reduce stress levels. Cannabis tinctures can also be used to treat anxiety and depression that decimate our motivation and deprive us of the happy lives we want.

  3. 😴 Better sleep: Who doesn’t need to improve sleep quality? Or just get some at all?  Tinctures with CBD, CBN, THC and more can help to relax the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

  4. 🎯 Increased energy and focus: Want to increase energy levels and improve concentration? Cannabis tinctures are ideal for those who need an extra boost throughout the day.

Overall, there are many benefits of cannabis tinctures for health and wellness, making them a valuable natural remedy that should be considered by anyone looking to improve their overall wellbeing.

Couple holding each other walking on the seashore.

Michelle Crawford on the counter reading a cookbook.

How to Make Your Own Cannabis Tincture at Home: the EASIEST Way

Making your own cannabis tincture at home is a simple process that anyone can do with the right ingredients and supplies. If you have been confused by so much conflicting information on the internet, you are not alone. Not at ALL.

At Cannabis Coaching Institute (CCI) where I serve as a Graduate Mentor, we get canna-curious students every day who are super excited to finally be trained to educate others about cannabis and get their own questions answered in the process. (Curious about CCI? It happens every time I mention it: Click here to learn about our Educator program & save money with my code MICHELLE 👍).

In Homemade Health Tinctures, I teach the EASIEST way to make cannabis tinctures at home and the beauty of my system is that you can’t fail when you’re equipped with BEST tools like the Ardent FX 💜, my #1 most recommended cannabis decarboxylation and infusion machine (read ALL about the Ardent FX here).

This machine is truly set-it-and-forget-it, enabling you to make your tinctures on your own time, anytime!

All you need is some cannabis flower, concentrate, or extract and some oil, and your Ardent FX 💜.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to make your own cannabis tincture:

Michelle Crawford preparing the dried cannabis on the herbal infuser machine, the Ardent FX.
  1. ❤️ Pop product in the Ardent. We begin by decarboxylating flowers or concentrates. Skip the smelly and imprecise oven that wastes your precious potency and get close to 99% of your cannabinoids activated with ease. 

  2. 🧡 Now press buttons: press M to highlight A1 for THC and CBG products or A2 for CBD products. These compounds activate at different times and temperatures but the Ardent takes all the guesswork out of it- just press the power button and go do something else while the machine does it’s job for an hour or so.

  3. 💛 Add oil and press buttons again: Come back when the machine’s lights turn green again, open it up and add your oil, and press “Infuse”. Guess what? Yup, walk away again. The infuse cycle lasts 3 hours, but you can end it as soon as 1 hour if you are in a hurry. Otherwise, you can just come back in the morning… or even in a day or two. It’s SO EASY.

  4. 💚 Strain the oil and store: Your cannabis-infused finished tincture is happiest stored in a dark glass bottle and enjoyed everyday!

Making your cannabis tincture at home can be a quick and easy process that anyone can do. With just a few simple ingredients and the right machine, you can create a potent natural remedy that can be used to improve your health and wellbeing and that of your family and friends, too. My students are making their tinctures, taking them to improve their health, and sharing their elixirs with loved ones confidently. Would you like that, too? Sign up for my Homemade Health Tinctures class today!

The Science Behind Cannabis Tinctures and Their Health Benefits

Calling all my canna-nerds who love learning this stuff 🤓! The science behind cannabis tinctures is quite simple. True cannabis “tinctures” are made by extracting the compounds from the cannabis plant, including CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids, using a solvent like alcohol. However, today most “tinctures” on the market are actually infusions made by combining cannabis with oil and adding heat and/or time. But don’t tell that to the herbalists, though! They get mad that we aren’t all using the correct word, and they are right.

The resulting liquids are then typically stored in a glass jar or bottle. When taken orally, the infused tincture is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the mouth, and can also be ingested by swallowing, providing relief from a wide range of health conditions.

Cannabis tinctures offer a convenient and easy way to consume CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids. They are also highly effective, as the compounds are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream to help where needed the most.

Overall, the science behind cannabis tinctures is quite simple. By infusing oils with cannabinoids, these infused tinctures are an easy and convenient way to consume CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids for maximum benefit. You can use them directly, put them in foods and drinks, and mix and match to meet your needs. 

Why More People are Turning to Cannabis Tinctures for Health

Because people are SMART! There are a number of reasons why more people are turning to cannabis tinctures for health. Tinctures offer a convenient and easy way to consume CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids. They are also highly effective, convenient, and versatile, to say the least.

Cannabis tinctures can be used to address a wide range of health conditions, including pain, inflammation, anxiety, and insomnia. They are also non-addictive and have few side effects. Some people can successfully remove undesired pharmaceuticals from their regimen after trying cannabis and hemp therapies. 

Overall, cannabis tinctures offer a simple, safe, and effective way to consume CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids for improved health and wellbeing. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medications that can address your needs day and night, my canna-kit may be the perfect solution for you. These tinctures are quick and easy to make at home with just a few simple ingredients and an Ardent FX, and they offer a wide range of benefits.

With the many benefits of cannabis tinctures for our optimized health and wellness, it is no wonder that more and more people are turning to this natural remedy. Don’t wait! Sign up for my Homemade Health Tinctures class today!

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Thank you for your support, it makes a huge difference to the success of my business and my mission to educate and empower women by providing excellent cannabis lifestyle coaching and information.

💚 Love and ✨Miracles

Michelle Crawford


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